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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Batch Invoicing - Now Available in QuickBooks 2011

Batch invoicing is now available in QuickBooks 2011.  This is a great new feature which will be a big help to many QuickBooks users.  If you have the unpleasant task of billing many customers for the same product or service on a regular basis, you might want to take a look at this.

Batch invoicing is accessed by going to "Vendors" on the menu bar.  You will see an option "Create Batch Invoices".  This is the screen you will see when you click on this option:

If batch invoicing is done on a regular basis, you might want to create a billing group.  This may take a little while to set up, but once it is configured it will only take a few minutes each time you want to create batch invoices.  A great time-saver!